Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life and Things

I'm in a contemplative mood these days. Plus, I beat Super Mario Galaxy on my friend's Wii! That was good, it was good. So I guess you want to know two things. First, what is up. Well, lately I have been lounging around and merely doing things. I did have to work desk this weekend, which was interesting. You always have different things happen when you're working desk. Secondly, where is the random content. Well, just sit still while I peruse for it. (I know that me looking has no bearing on how long you have to wait for it, but sit tight regardless). The random content for this post is:


And that's it!


Bryn said...

hahah i love you

Ali said...

Please tell me where I can buy a money tree...or, I guess, where I can buy that amazing, money-growing soil!

Danielle said...

I didnt get the tree. probably because the money looks like a RAINBOW

Danielle said...

I demand an update

Jonathan Gerrans said...

this blog is not nearly daily enough