Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I'm not quite sure why, but my eyes keep trying to commit suicide. It seems that every time they are faced with the prospect of being covered in contacts, they would rather end their own lives than go through the ordeal. This has been happening repeatedly over the last 5 years or so, and recently, twice in as many months. no matter how many times they try though, they never get the hang of it, and I keep dragging them back to rehab, where they decide that they are grateful for another shot at life. But I'm just worried that one of these times, they will succeed when their dark intentions come creeping back. But enough about me. Actually, wait, just a bit more about me: Did you know I used to own a venus fly trap? Ok now I'm good. So, did you know that cats can scream?

Now you do! Also, Leonard Bernstein was gay.
Well, I'll be in contact later.


Ali said...

Soo cats can scream eh? Strange, but not surprising. Sorry about the eyes...at least they have always responded to the rehab so far. I know what it's like, although you're more of an expert I guess. I miss you feeding that venus fly trap ground beef. I forget...did it have a name?

Bryn said...


Danielle said...

BURGER AND FRIEs... .. and the lady is like..oh burger.... and there it is WHAT AN EVIL CAT. well, the people are evil that it is locked up. Awww... that is tragic